DIME Inspiration Software
DIME, Designs in Machine Embroidery

DIME Inspiration Stitched Snapshots Plus

DIME Inspiration Software - Stitched Snapshot Plus

When artistic expression requires non-conformity, choose DIME Inspiration Software – Stitched Snapshots Plus!

MSRP: $299 | Embroider with an artist’s paintbrush! Give your photos, clip-art, and sketches a stippled or hatching effect.

A few of the many features include:

  • Easily transform and image to stitches with Stitched Snapshots Plus!
  • Give your photos, clip-art, and sketches the stippled or hatching effect with a simple click of a button.
  • Set the width and height for the embroidery design.
  • Apply a color mode: color, gray, sepia, CMYK, Edge, Mono and more
  • Easily transform and image to stitches with Stitched Snapshots Plus!
DIME Inspiration Software – Stitched Snapshots Plus
DIME Inspiration Software – Stitched Snapshots Plus

Software Features:

  • Give your photos, clip-art, and sketches the stippled or hatching effect with a simple click of a button.

Art Tools

  • Set the width and height for the embroidery design.
  • Apply a color mode: color, gray, sepia, CMYK, Edge, and Mono.
  • Change the stitch density by adjusting the image resolution.
  • Set the maximum thread colors.
  • Adjust the brightness and contrast levels of the image.
  • Crop the image.

Embroidery Tools

  • 35+ frames included! Use the built-in Photo Frame Library toenhance the embroidery design.
  • Use the unique cropping and/or text options that vary with each frame.

Additional Software Features at a Glance

  • Zoom
  • Pan
  • Ruler
  • Backdrop Tool
  • Realistic View
  • Grid
  • Show/Hide Stitch Ends
  • Show/Hide Machine Commands
  • Hoop Selection
  • Show/Hide Backdrop
  • Flip/Rotate/Align
  • Group/Ungroup
  • Move to Front/Back
  • Slow Redraw

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Minimum System Requirements

  • Windows 8 – 8.1
  • Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz)* or faster with support for PAE, NX, and SSE2 (more info)
  • RAM: 2 GB (64-bit)
  • Hard disk space: 20 GB (64-bit)
  • Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver.
  • Exception:
  • Inspirations Software will run on a MAC with the use of a MAC Key.
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